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2020 Dingbats Quiz Answers
How many of the 10 picture dingbats could you name?
Corona virus (Corona beer bottles, rebranded with viruses)
Joe Biden (A lion's den, with the symbols for bisexuality)
Virtual Grand National (a virtual grand (£1000) on UK (national))
Lockdown (a lock with a down arrow)
Space Force (the symbol for Space Force over the sun . . .
2021 Dingbats Quiz Answers
How many of the 10 picture dingbats could you name?
Prince Phillip (the artists formerly known as Prince, holding a Phillips screwdriver)
Red Light, Green Light (a red then green traffic light)
Tom daily knitting (Toms on different days of the week, and a knit on a can of Ting)
Vaccine Passport (vacuum scene, the past, bottle of port)
Free Britney (free label on a Britain knee)
<p class=". . .2022 Dingbats Quiz Answers
How many of the 10 picture dingbats could you name?
Amber Heard (a heard of amber sheep)
Quiet Quitting (someone giving up in silence)
Mick Lynch (Mick Jagger on a lynch pin)
Qatar World Cup (guitar, world, cup)
Chinese Riots (chia, knee, rye, oats)
Wagatha Christie (wag, ether, Chris, T-(shirt))
Train Strikes (a train getting a bowling strike)
. . .British Dingbats Quiz Answers
How many of the 10 picture dingbats could you name?
Crumpet (crump pit)
Monty Python (mount, tea, pie, thumb)
Tea Bag (bags with the letter T printed on them)
Henry the VIII (Henry the train coming out of an eighth)
Sherlock Holmes (Cher on a lock, on a post from a home).
Big Ben (Ben . . .
Christmas Dingbat Picture Quiz: Answers
How many of the 24 Christmas items did you identify, in our Say What You Can See quiz Christmas dingbats quiz .
Mulled Wine (mule + wine)
Stocking (stocks symbol with a crown)
Wrapping Paper (rappers sat on piles of paper)
Reindeer (rain falling on deers)
Candy Cane (the wrestler can, with )
Eggnog Waynes on it (Nog f. . .
Christmas Dingbats Quiz Answers
How many of the 10 picture dingbats could you name?
Mince Pie (Minsk library, with the symbol for pi)
Mistletoe (a missile with a toe on it)
Stocking (a kings crown on rising stocks)
Jingle Bells (gin, gel, bells)
Rapping Paper (Run DMC sitting on stacks of paper)
Tinsel (tins on sale)
Chestnuts (a chest full of nuts)
German Ma. . .
Christmas Hits Music Quiz
10 Christmas hits featured in this music quiz. How many did you name?
1. 0:00 - Mariah Carey - All I Want for Christmas Is You (1994)
2. 0:19 - Band Aid 30 | Do They Know It's Christmas? (2014)
3. 0:20 - Chris Rea | Driving Home For Christmas (1986)
4. 0:36 - Cliff Richard | Mistletoe and Wine (1988)
5. 0:39 - Shakin' Stevens | Merry Christmas Everyone (1985)
6. 0:. . .
European Capital City Dingbats Quiz Answers
How many of the 10 picture dingbats could you name?
Warsaw (a saw with silhouettes of war printed on it)
Moscow (a cow coverd in moss)
Belgrade (a bell with an A+ grade engraved on it)
Oslo (The Wizard of Oz characters, on a tablet with low battery)
Pristina (Tina (Turner) wearing a priest hat)
- <p class="font. . .
Football Quiz: Say What You Can See Dingbats Picture Quiz Answers
How many of the 25 England Football Players (with more than 10 international caps) did you identify, in our Say What You Can See quiz football quiz .
Franc Lamp Lard (Frank Lampard)
Pull Parker (Paul Parker)
PETA Beard Slay (Peter Beardsley)
Michael Jordan Guitar Pick w/Ford Logo (Jordan Pickford)
Jimmy Neutron on a G. . .

Guy Fawkes Dingbats Quiz Answers
How many of the 10 Dingbats could you name?
Pilgrim (Grim reaper pill)
Guy Fawkes (a set of male forks)
Jack o'lantern (Michael Jackson silhouette in a lantern)
Daylight Savings (Piggy bank savings in daylight)
Bobbing for apples (Bob the builder with a bunch of apples)
- <p class="fo. . .
Halloween Cereal Killer Dingbats Quiz Answers
How many of the 10 Cereal Killer dingbats could you name?
Belle Gunness (a bell and Guinness)
Charlie Manson (barley mansion)
Graham Young (Golden Greham Youngs)
Zodiac Killer (zodiac signs on selection boxes)
Dr Harold Shipman (Dr Harold Chipman)
Jack The Ripper (Ripper Jacks cereal)
Halloween Horror Music Quiz
10 Halloween films featured in this music quiz. How many did you name?
1. 00:00 - The Exorcists
2. 00:14 - Jaws
3. 00:23 - I.T.
4. 00:27 - Psycho
5. 00:29 - Ghostbusters
6. 00:42 - Saw
7. 00:43 - The Nightmare Before Christmas
8. 00:46 - The Addams Family
00:57 - Saw (again)
9. . . .